The fee per 55 minute session is $120 including GST. Payment is due at the end of the session and can be made with cash, credit card, cheque or e-transfer.

RCC’s are covered by many extended health plans. You will be issued a receipt upon payment that you may be able to submit to your extended health plan. Please check out the details of your specific plan before scheduling your first appointment.

Currently Lindy is registered as a service provider for the following organizations:

Please provide 24 hours notices, or more, if you need to cancel or change your appointment. This time has been set aside for you specifically. Except for emergencies, missed appointments will be charged a full session fee.

The fee for services may be prohibitive for some individuals and families. Lindy offers a limited number of sliding scale spots. Please discuss this with her.

It is important to find the right counsellor to work with. With this in mind, Lindy offers a free 30 minute consultation. This is not a free mini session. The consultation allows you to meet with Lindy, get a feel for her and decide if she is the right fit for you. This is a great time to discuss your needs and preferences.